Bare Feet for Better Health

This article is about the interesting study of negative and positive ions. I found all the research fascinating, and I love the simplicity of going bare feet for better health.

What is your first thought when you hear the word antioxidant? My first thought is blueberry, but according to some emerging research, maybe it should be bare feet.  The surface of the earth is covered with negative electrons. When you stand barefoot on a condusive earth material, your body can absorb the negative energy, through the soles of your feet. This is what is known as grounding or earthing. This could possibly be one of the most easy and effective ways to obtain high levels of antioxidants, and overall better health.

What is an ion? An ion is an electrically charged particle and can be found to be positive, negative, or neutral. In our everyday lives we come into contact with a variety of these particles. And while you cannot physically see them, they daily affect our health and well being. The effects of these particles have long been felt over time, though no one exactly knew why, when they went to the beach or before an approaching thunderstorm, they would feel exhilarated. As our knowledge grew and technology advanced, scientists and doctors began to notice the effects of these particles through their studies. The effects were first noticed in the 1800’s. Studies were then performed and proved the existence and effects of positive and negative particles upon the mind and body.

So, let’s talk about positive ions. Positive ions can be found anywhere there is an air conditioner or electrical device. Air conditioners and electrical devices such as, cell phones and computers, produce particles that have a positive charge. Positive ions have been known to cause headaches, fatigue, irritability, suppression of the immune system, and difficulty breathing. An overabundance of positively charged particles can cause your whole biological clock to be out of balance. This effects the entire operational system of the body, from the brain, to all cellular communications. This evidence supports the fact that the rise of depression, mental ailments, and disturbed sleep patterns are directly connected to the electrical fields that surround us daily, overloading our bodies with the positive ions. When the body is overly saturated with positive ions, these particles turn into free radicals that cause the body to be more acidic and prone to a variety of ailments, damaging healthy cells and wreaking havoc upon your overall well being. To combat this ever growing issue, you must provide your body with a healthy balance of negative ions.

Where can you find negative ions? They naturally occur across the earth, found in bare soil and on concrete, grass,  sand, and even ceramic tile. Any location near running, flowing water is known to be saturated with negative ions. So areas like the beach and waterfalls, or rivers and streams, are great natural ways to obtain negatively charged particles. When the body absorbs these negative ions they turn into antioxidants. This helps alkalize the body, completely canceling the effects of free radicals, providing a healing environment for the cell’s within, which regulates hormones, improves sleeping patterns, combats inflammation relieving aches and pains, improves energy levels, decreases blood pressure, improves focus and concentration, alleviates depression, and on and on are the benefits associated with the absorption of negative ions.

Negative ions make clean air too. The negative particles attach themselves to the positives particles, weighing them down, which then pulls them to the ground, leaving you with fresh clear air. So things like allergens and contagions are removed. If you suffer from asthma, respiratory problems, or have sensitivities to allergens in the air, seasonal or even pet dander, negative ions can provide substantial relief.  You can simply open your window and let some fresh air in to fight positive ions.

If you want negative ions, it is as simple as removing your shoes, and perhaps taking a stroll through your back yard, but how does one go about stabilizing the air within their homes? Nearly everyone has some form of air conditioning, TV., cell phone, or computer. and this pollutes the air you breathe with dingy positive particles. Fortunately there are a number of available products that can emit negative ions into your space, creating a balance and cleaning your surrounding air.  They come in a variety of prices with different shapes and models to fit most everyone’s needs. If you do not relish the idea going barefoot, because of health issues or for whatever reason, there are options available for you too. There are things called earthing patches that you can apply directly to your body to absorb negative ions. There are grounding bracelets you can wear and even a product called, earthing sheets, that allow you to sleep all night absorbing all the positive effects of negative ions.

It seems too good to be true that something as simple as reconnecting yourself physically with the earth can provide such profound health benefits. It is much like some ancient knowledge lost over time, being newly discovered once again. So, if you find yourself struggling with depression or an illness, and want to speed recovery or enhance your mood, open your window and let the fresh air in, or take off your shoes and go bare feet. Enjoy the beauty of nature and reconnect yourself with it.




Finding the Beauty Everyday



I know not every day is as grand as the next. Some days are slow and drag on and on, with little feeling of accomplishment. Days like this circulate feelings of listlessness, and a bit more thinking than is necessary on things like, purpose and failures. Days like this, that feel as if time has stopped and is staring right at me, are the days I have determined I must find and focus on, the beautiful.

There are times I have found, where I have to remove myself from the day, As if I am standing outside of it. Looking from a higher point. A more collective view of life, not just this particular point in time. Not just this day, or this hour.

When I extract myself from the days that wear on me, I can find amazement in my surroundings. My world then becomes more quiet and I can hear things that I couldn’t hear before, because my mind was too cluttered to notice. My heart to heavy to care.

My extracted self can hear the song of a bird, and see the beauty of the swaying trees. My extracted self can feel the breeze of the wind on my skin, and feel hopeful knowing that my life is more than a single day. My life is more than what has been, or what is. There is so much of my life that is yet to be. What I make of it, is what it will be. The possibilities are endless in that respect, and it breathes new life into my heart and soul.

When you are yearning for more within a day. When you are grasping at what feels like emptiness. Remember the beautiful. Notice the things that hold beauty. Focus on the fact that the breath in your very lungs, is a gift. Know, that life is beautiful, regardless of hardships. Hardships are only momentary. Keep pressing forward. Extract yourself from a limited view, and begin to live in a moment that is propelling you in a forward motion, to what tomorrow could be.


The Power of The Mind

           This is my first blog post, and suitably so, its title is The Power of The Mind. The mind is the single most important thing in the pursuit of overall well being. So, I will be kicking off with this first piece, referencing Science Daily and their report on a  study done by the University of Granada documenting the the effects of depression on the body. I found it very interesting and hope you do as well.

The Power of The Mind

Often overlooked, in areas where pivotal, the power of the mind is key in regards to quality of life. There is a direct connection between someone’s thought patterns, and the reaction that occurs within their physical bodies. Scientific studies are beginning to support this line of thought. The Science Daily reports, from the University of Granada, ” Depression is more than a mental disorder: It effects the whole organism”

Many individuals like to separate the mind from body, as if what takes place within their thought lives renders no connection whatsoever to the remainder of physicality. This is simply, wrong. Your mind is connected, and when one does not initiate control over the thoughts from within, disturbances are inevitable. These disturbances, in most cases, lead to some form of depression or mental disorder. The body follows suit, and reacts with a variety of health conditions.

When thought patterns are muddled and no control is exhibited, how could anyone combat that feeling of hopelessness? Think of all the things one could think, how vast that landscape is. With no filter and no control, that is how one essentially, drives themselves crazy.

In the study from The University of Granada it was found that individuals with depression show a connection with cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Confirming that depression is systemic and should be viewed as such by the medical community.  The study shows in detail  the connection between depression and oxidative stress, as well as noticeable reductions in antioxidant substances. When undergoing appropriate treatment, levels were shown to adjust to normal ranges.

Within the study we see that with proper treatment the effects of depression on the body can be reversed. This is extremely hopeful and reveals that if you are in fact suffering from depression, you cannot remain stagnant, action must be taken to reverse the ill effects upon the body.

Treatment is important, but the kinds of treatment are what concern me. When dealing with things like depression, their origin is deep within the mind of an individual. Typical treatments within the main stream medical community include prescription of medications that only mask the true cause of this illness. These medications give the patient a list of side effects to go along with their already struggling mind and body.

I firmly believe, no answer can be found within a pill form medication for depression. Depression and mental illness is a far more complex entity, that needs more thought given in treatment, then a simple pill. People need to be able to speak out the issues that their minds cannot resolve. It is the act of speaking these things with someone who can help them, that relieves the burden of it.

Those that are longing for relief within their mental constructs, can find that relief when they take control of THEIR mind, and THEIR thoughts. But they can’t do it alone, those that are struggling must have the resources within their reach to combat the ever growing epidemic of depression. It all begins within the mind of an individual, this cannot keep being overlooked, it is essential for proper treatment so the healing process can begin, and take effect upon the struggling mind and body of those that are suffering.


University of Granada. “Depression is more than a mental disorder: it affects the whole organism.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 March 2016. <>.